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Project Wish _ Stories from Ganedan _ My favorite memory

Posted by: Brotoi Nov 30 2007, 10:54 PM

Corriander, my lovely little gnome, was wandering through Ganedan without aid of a horse or pony (she was afraid of being bitten). She fell to the predations of a wandering Earth Elemental and wound up in a city half a world away from the place of her origin (this was before the introduction of resurrection crystals, you see). Determined to get home at any cost, she began preparations for the long trek back to her home city.

The fields near the town where her journey began were filled with a variety of gigantic insects and scorpions. Fearsome beasts twice her size, but with fire and the help of a good axe, she killed enough of them to provide provisions for her journey. She built a fire from some coconut wood and cooked up the meat to be sure it would last. Night fell, a canopy of stars and a full autumn moon opened up overhead. She was dancing by firelight when the sounds of a nearby battle came to her. Always willing to help a stranger, she grabbed up her axe and headed to the fight.

She found a Cyclops beset by three scorpions and a large beetle. He fought valiantly, but could not do enough damage with just his battle axe. Corriander began casting fireballs at the wounded scorpions and beetle, quickly destroying them all, much to the amazement of the Cyclops.

"Thank-you, friend!" He said, bowing toward her. "Come closer little gnome and let me repay your kindness."

When she came close, he handed her the bridle of his extra pony.

"He's small," the Cyclops said, "and doesn't carry much, but I think you'll find him useful."

"Does he bite?" Corriander asked, her eyes wide in fear.

The Cyclops laughed. "He is as timid as a fly and as harmless as a summer day. Care for him and he will serve you well."

And so it came to pass that without even trying, Corriander gained a pony to speed her on her way home.


Such good memories! It was a stunning game with an amazing community. The insistence by the design team to prohibit PvP was, in my opinion, one of the most profound and wise decisions they ever made because it prevented the game world from being overrun by a violent, dangerous minority whose only pleasure in life is causing other people pain.

I hope Project Wish will stay true to that vision.

Posted by: Jerky Dec 2 2007, 09:51 PM

Thanks for sharing that memory. I have a few of my own but couldn't put them so beautifully.

You should remember that PvP wasn't "prohibited", it was "contained." You could PvP within the boundaries of an arena. Some would say that it was limited or gimped, but making it so that only those who wanted to do it could was a wise decision indeed.

Posted by: Brotoi Dec 3 2007, 06:12 PM

QUOTE(Jerky @ Dec 3 2007, 12:51 PM) *

Thanks for sharing that memory. I have a few of my own but couldn't put them so beautifully.

You should remember that PvP wasn't "prohibited", it was "contained." You could PvP within the boundaries of an arena. Some would say that it was limited or gimped, but making it so that only those who wanted to do it could was a wise decision indeed.

You mean there actually was PvP in Wish? blink.gif

I don't remember PvP being possible, in arenas or anywhere else. Rose-colored glasses, I suppose. I have yet to see a game that allows PvP which doesn't encourage sadism at the same time, but that's an issue that will eventually warrant its own thread.

I do remember a dozen threads in the Wish forums started by people demanding that PvP be added to the game, FFA PvP if possible. I went to every one of those threads and stated my objections as strongly and clearly as I could. But again, I don't remember it being available ingame, probably because I had zero motivation to go looking for it.

Posted by: Jerky Dec 4 2007, 12:42 PM

Maybe it was an earlier Beta that you are referring to. I didn't start until Beta 1.5 and Beta 2. I know I watched some arena fights, so it did exist. I also got ganked one time standing in the ring and not knowing that I was in a PvP area.