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Project Wish _ PW Roleplay _ Awakening...

Posted by: Hankellin Dec 5 2007, 12:33 AM

With a swipe of his arm, the ragged dwarf moved the hanging vines blocking the entrace to the temple. That was the only way it could be described. Two once towering columns on each side of the gaping hole of the entrance. Rubble from the fallen columns contain carvings of beasts no longer seen in the world.

With a fearful glance over his shoulder, the dwarf continues into the dark. The door way only lets in enough light for the dwarf to see crumbling statues in alcoves lining the walls, an altar stone of some sort is on a raised platform at the end of the room.

Outside a low vibration is felt more than heard, the creature that has been hunting the dwarf for the past week once again found his trail.

Posted by: Hankellin Jan 1 2009, 04:19 PM

As quietly as his exhausted body will allow the dwarf slowly moves away from the entrance and further into the building.

He approaches the altar stone and sees small dry and brittle bones scattered around the base. Dark traces of ancient blood had stained the once pristine altar with dark rivers running to the edges and flowing down the sides.

It appears that though the altar had been used after the collapse of the temple it had not seen active use for some years.

A shadow passes across the entrance blocking the slight light and the dwarf cowers down behind the stone praying he had not been found.